Find out how you and your friends can stay safe on your Brownie adventures!
Complete each step below to earn your Brownie Safety Award. Make sure to ask your parent/guardian for permission before using any materials, going outside, or going online.
Step One
School Safety
Talk to an adult about how to stay safe at school. Make a list of the three most important rules for staying safe on the playground or on a bus. Make a safety poster to share what you have learned!
Step Two
Map it out
Get a map of your neighborhood or town. Mark where the police station, fire station, and other important points are located.
Step Three
Check Smoke Alarms
Watch this video by the National Fire Protection Association to learn more about smoke alarms.
Ask a parent/guardian to test the ones at your home.
Download this calendar to track when you have checked your smoke alarms each month!
Step Four
Make a Safety Plan
Check out the “Going Out Checklist” from to help you stay safe when going out.
Talk with a parent/guardian about using the checklist when you are out and about!
Step Five
Natural Disasters
Find out what natural disasters are most common in your area (earthquakes, blizzards, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods) and discuss with your family or another adult what to do when they happen.
Download the Disaster Preparedness Activity Book from to learn more about being prepared in an emergency!