Find out how you and your friends can stay safe on your Cadette adventures!
Complete each step below to earn your Cadette Safety Award. Make sure to ask your parent/guardian for permission before using any materials, going outside, or going online.
Step One
Learn About Child Proofing
Learn how to make a room safe for a young child. Download & complete the Child Proofing Checklist activity.
Step Two
Water Safety
Find out about water safety and learn to perform a reaching assist from a dock or the side of a pool to help someone out of the water. First, learn how to assist someone in the water with this video from the US Army Corps of Engineers. Then sign up and complete this free online water safety course.
Step Three
Teach Safety Tips to Others
Teach a Daisy or Brownie what to do if she gets lost. Create your own PSA, poster, or think of your own creative way to teach younger Girl Scouts what to do!
Step Four
Make a Disaster Plan
With your family, make sure you have enough food, water, and medical supplies to last in case of a disaster. First, find out how to build your own disaster kit at
Next, download and print out an Emergency Supply List
Step Five
Stand Against Bullying
Discuss bullying with your troop, friends, of family. Check your own behavior with the Am I a Bully? Questionnaire.
Commit to standing up for others and sign the Anti-Bullying and Anti-Cyber-bullying pledge.