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Learn how you can stay safe on your Daisy adventures!

Complete each step below to earn your Daisy Safety Award. Make sure to ask your parent/guardian for permission before using any materials, going outside, or going online.

Step One

Lost & Found

Understand what to do if you get lost. Know your phone number, address, and who it is safe to ask for help (police officer, teacher, person in charge). Check out this activity to complete step one!

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Step Two


Choking First Aid

Find out what you should do if you or a friend is choking. Learn about choking and how to be of help by checking out Activity Two!

Step 3

Stop, Drop, & Roll

Learn how to do “Stop, Drop, and Roll” if your clothing catches on fire. With your parent/guardian’s permission watch this video to learn the steps. Talk with your parents/guardians about what you learned.



You’ve earned the Girl Scout Daisy Safety Award!

Purchase your Daisy Award Online

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